
Журнал Дневник.ру dla iPhone

  • Darmowa

  • Po Polski
  • V 1.6.5
  • 4.2

  • Status bezpieczeństwa

Recenzja Softonic

Журнал Дневник.ру - Эффективный инструмент для учителей

Журнал Дневник.ру is an iPhone application designed specifically for teachers registered in the "Дневник.ру" system. This app aims to enhance the daily educational activities of teachers by providing them with a convenient platform to manage their tasks.

With the initial version of this app, teachers can efficiently keep track of their students' progress by assigning grades and giving out homework assignments. Additionally, they can easily manage their own schedules, ensuring they stay organized and on top of their teaching responsibilities.

While administrative functions are not currently supported in this version, Журнал Дневник.ру offers a valuable set of features that can greatly assist teachers in their day-to-day teaching activities.

Overall, Журнал Дневник.ру is a useful tool for teachers who want to streamline their educational tasks and improve their efficiency in managing their classes.

Jest równiez dostepny na inne platformy

Program jest dostępny w innych językach

Журнал Дневник.ру dla iPhone

  • Darmowa

  • Po Polski
  • V 1.6.5
  • 4.2

  • Status bezpieczeństwa

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